Code Club TBMS
Code Club TBMS is a club of Tyndale Biscoe and Mallinson Society, whose main goal is to introduce students to coding and inform them about the latest tools, techniques and trends of the modern coding world.
Their projects help young people learn Python, HTML, CSS & Javascript along with technologies like Git, Github by making websites and web apps. The projects gradually introduce coding concepts to allow young people to build their knowledge incrementally.
Code Club is about fun, creativity, and learning through exploring. It’s important that the children enjoy their time at Code Club. They should understand that they’re in charge of the computer, and can (and should) make it do what they want, not the other way around.
Other benefits of Code Club, such as learning about computational thinking, or developing expertise in coding, are secondary to these two objectives. Having said that, children will absorb all these wonderful skills as they work through the projects, rather than through didactic teaching.
It was established in 2017 by students of +2 Department, Tyndale Biscoe and Mallinson School under the guidance of their IP Lecturer, Mrs. Muzammil Fatimah.

Our Goals
Open Source
We believe in keeping our projects open source, so that everyone is involved, sharing and learning along the way.
We believe that like all computers, we also need to update ourselves with new knowledge.
We believe that inspiration is an important part of writing good code, and hence try to inspire everyone.